Warmth to our Heart and Home

Life has been tough for Stela since her husband died six years ago.

In winter, when its mountains and valleys are covered in snow, Moldova looks as pretty as a Christmas card. But the cold spell brings its challenges to families already burdened by poverty: higher bills for heating, the expense of warm clothing and footwear for ever-growing children, and less money coming in because there are fewer available jobs.

Life has been tough for Stela since her husband died six years ago. It is a constant battle scraping together enough money to keep her family fed and the bills paid.

“Winter may be a time of joy for many people, but for me, it’s an unwelcome guest,” says Stela Nastas, 46, a widow from northern Moldova.

She and her four children and grandson live in a two-roomed house where the air is heavy with damp and mould. There is no central heating, electricity, running water, or inside toilet. One stove serves for both cooking and heating the house.

“I was under so much pressure, and felt a great deal of stress and exhaustion,” she said. “I didn’t know how I was going to find the money to heat the house and where I’d find warm clothes for my kids. It was so hard to look at my girls and boy wearing lightweight jackets and worn shoes.”

Life changed for the Nastas family when they were enrolled on Mission Without Borders’ family sponsorship programme.

“They spoke to me about a Mission that wants to help because God loves me and my children,” Stela said. “I started thinking, ‘Can this really be true? Could there really be someone who would care about us?’”

The Nastases began receiving regular food and hygiene parcels, and Stela is receiving practical and emotional support to help move her family towards a more stable place financially.

And this winter, as the cold weather began to set in, MWB was there for Stela once again.

Stela said, “The Mission offered us the lifesaver in this situation - the briquettes that helped us to keep the house warm. And another wonderful and priceless gift – the warm and beautiful clothes and shoes for my family!

The Mission provided warmth not only to our home but also to our souls!


There are many more families like Stela’s – families who fear the winter because they can’t afford to buy briquettes; mothers who must choose whether their children will be hungry or cold.

Please click to give a donation of your choosing to help pay for firewood and warm clothing for vulnerable families.

We need your help to reach out to more families like Stela’s and show them the warmth of God’s love this winter.

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