The Ochisors now have hope for a brighter future for their children

I want them to have what we never did

"I always tell them they have to study hard because I don't want them to end up like me."

Like so many people growing up in poverty in Romania, Mihaela Ochisor, 35, never finished school. In rural areas, schools not only suffer from a lack of resources and teachers but are too few and far between.

"I only went to school up to eighth grade," Mihaela said. "Because I had to commute to the nearby town to get to school, my parents decided it would be better for me to stay home and look after my younger siblings, even though I really wanted to continue my studies."

Now Mihaela has three children of her own – and she and her husband Cezar, 44, work very hard in the hope their two sons and daughter will have a better life one day. However, due to Cezar's low wages at his job with a pottery company, the Ochisors constantly struggle to make ends meet.

The family's home is situated along a busy highway, causing Mihaela constant concern for her children's safety. Their home has no bathroom or hot water. The furniture is in poor condition, the windows aren't sealed, and there is no central heating.

Mihaela keeps herself busy at home caring for the children and the house, and tending to the large garden, where they grow corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes and more.  

Alin, 12, is the middle child, with an older brother, Cezar, 17, and a lively little sister, six-year-old Stefania. All three of them need school supplies. Although education is free in Romania, each child must bring their own notebooks, pencils and colouring pens, maths equipment and more.

For families living in poverty, the cost can be overwhelming, leaving children feeling inadequate before the school year even starts due to a lack of necessary supplies.

Fortunately for Alin and his family, Mission Without Borders's Back to School campaign sees children living in poverty equipped with backpacks and school supplies in time for their first day back at school.

Alin was thrilled to receive school supplies and decided to keep the tags on his new items so they'll continue to look new. With enthusiasm, he shared his dreams for the future: "I want to become a professional truck driver," he said. Alin also aspires to attend college and study mechanical engineering. Another ambition, driven by his love for football, is to become a famous goalkeeper. But above all, Alin dreams of having a comfortable home with an indoor bathroom where he and his family can live happily.

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Alin said, "I know too well that to have everything I dream of, I need to stay in school and do well. Thank you so much for your help."

Mihaela has high hopes for Alin's future. Not only is he bright and hardworking, but Mission Without Borders is there to support the family and help all three children do well in life.

"My children know they must stay in school," Mihaela said. "I want them to have everything we as parents never had. I want them to be the best they can be in everything they do and become great adults. And I want them to live in good homes."

I want them to have everything we as parents never had.


Cristina, the MWB staff member who supports the Ochisors, said, "I enjoy visiting the Ochisor family. I'm proud of them and happy to see how much they value education. It's something I don't see everywhere.  

"I'm impressed that they understand the importance of school attendance and how a good education is vital to break out of poverty."

Mihaela added, "We thank everyone who's part of such a great project as the Back-to-School campaign. School is of great importance to our family and, from what we can tell, is very important to Mission Without Borders as well."

You can make a difference for families like the Ochisors, who dream of a brighter future for their children. Your support will help provide access to education and the resources children need to thrive. Will you join us in making this dream a reality today?


That's how many children we plan to equip with backpacks filled with school supplies this year

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