Operation Christmas Love

"Poverty, challenging circumstances, and an uncertain future"

Svitlana Kosyuk, a 27-year-old mother of five, lives with her family in a rundown house in a village in western Ukraine's Rivne region. Their home lacks basic comforts such as electricity, running water, an indoor bathroom, and gas.

The family cooks over an open fire and draws water from a well. Svitlana has a job and earns a meager salary. They keep a cow, pigs, and poultry and grow vegetables on their small plot.

Cooking is done over an open fire, and they fetch water from a well. Despite Svitlan's efforts at a low-paying job, her family lives in dire poverty. Soaring inflation rates have driven up the cost of essential goods, while real incomes dropped by 16% in 2022, leaving over 40% of Ukrainian families struggling to make ends meet.

The children's father is currently serving in the Ukrainian army, but Svitlana explains that her relationship with him has broken down due to domestic and substance problems in the family. 

Tragically, her brother passed away two years ago while serving in the army. Recently, the Kosyuk family joined Mission Without Broders' family sponsorship program, receiving much-needed material and emotional support.

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Staff member Olexandr visits the family regularly, and as Christmas draws closer, he shares how desperately this family – and others like them – need our help. Olexandr highlighted, "Like many destitute families, the Kosyuks are struggling with poverty, challenging circumstances, and an uncertain future due to the ongoing war. Food prices are soaring due to inflation caused by the conflict, making it increasingly difficult for the family to afford anything beyond the basics."

This family would be overjoyed


Olexandr added, "This family would be overjoyed to receive an Operation Christmas Love box and enjoy a festive meal. It would also show the compassion of Christians toward others and, hopefully, bring them closer to faith in the Lord."

This Christmas, our staff in Ukraine plan to distribute 10,000 boxes filled with much-needed food staples, some festive treats, and literature, sharing the true meaning of Christmas to vulnerable families and the elderly. For them, daily survival has become more challenging than ever, and their greatest Christmas wish is simply to have enough food.

Your donation of R300 will bring hope and joy to a family in need, like the Kosyuks, and deliver a gift that is beyond price.

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42 000

Operation Christmas Love boxes are planned for distribution to families, individuals and the elderly across our six field countries, including 10 000 to those in war-torn Ukraine.

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